Company News

New Year taking over a newbuidling ship Sustainable Earth


In the begining of the new year of 2022, CPNF took a shipmanagement of new buidling container ship, MV Sustainable Earth. Japan Max type, 1,091TEU, GT9,972, Class DNV, Liberia Flag. from a Japanese Yard in Cebu Philippines. the ship delivered from the yard on 06 Jan., 2022. 
This feed container is designed by Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Japan, trading speed 18.0kts with lower consumption of Fuel than the former same type of ships.
Thanks SI Mr.Allan Suarez assistance to coordinate among of ship, company and yard.
Thanks the taking over crew team in THI Yard. 
First batch Filipino Master: Capt. Acasio, Julius Olar    Chief Officer: Mr.Abapo, Bernabe Villegas  Jr.     Chief Engineer: Mr.Alvarez, Raul Villadarez.


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