Company News
Owner LTU appointed CPNF as supervision team for Five ultramax bulkers
On 03-05 Aug., 2015, Owner LT Ulgand (LTU) technical Manager Mr.Jarle Haugsdal, Consultant Mr.Ian Cucknell and new building ship broker Mr.Jeff Hung visited TZS yard accompanied by Company President Capt.Zheng. both ship owner and CPNF Site team had a technical meeting face to face to discuss the coming project (five ultramax bulk carriers) supervising procedure and the supvision issues concerned by both parties.
CPNF site team Manager Capt.Frank Gu, Machinery head C/Engineer ZHENG Delong, Paint section head Engr.Steven YE and advisor Mr.Endo presented our site team working flowchart and our site team organization. Both parites mutually agreed the next working procedures to ensure the builing quliaty to satisfy owner requirement as per buidling specification.
CPNF Site Manager Capt.Frank Gu guided owner to patrol a building ship and answered questions by owner during the visit.
CPNF site team Manager Capt.Frank Gu, Machinery head C/Engineer ZHENG Delong, Paint section head Engr.Steven YE and advisor Mr.Endo presented our site team working flowchart and our site team organization. Both parites mutually agreed the next working procedures to ensure the builing quliaty to satisfy owner requirement as per buidling specification.
CPNF Site Manager Capt.Frank Gu guided owner to patrol a building ship and answered questions by owner during the visit.